Friday, June 29, 2012

Boo boos and the potty

This summer is plugging along at a quick pace.  I can't believe that June is almost over, but part of that is because from May to July I have my busy time at work.  I've been working hectically, trying to get contracts executed by the start of the new fiscal year on July 1.  But it looks like everything is going to be done on time and I can relax.  Or start another project, but at least this one has less definite deadlines.
James has been having a great time at daycare, they play in the water almost everyday.  Rhonda has several sprinklers and 2 water tables which have been wearing the kids out.  This summer, James has been getting boo boos far more regularly.  Luckily, we haven't had to deal with anything too gruesome, but he is always banged up.  I know its his age, he's still a bit clumsy while running full force, which leads to bruises and scrapes.  Of course, the magical cure for a boo boo is for mom or dad (or both) to kiss it.  Then its automatically better and mom feels like she's in control of the universe.  James scraped his knee on the way into daycare yesterday morning and when Adam picked him up in the evening, it was the first thing James said to him.  "Daddy, boo boo".
A few days ago, James also got a boo boo from Albert, our "first born" fuzzy child.  James was poking the cat and I warned him not to.  Albert let a hiss out, but James continued to poke, so James got his first official swat from the cats.  He had a very small scratch by his elbow, but James cried like teenage girl watching Titanic for the first time.  I comforted him, but also let him know that Albert means business.  When Adam got back from walking the dog, Albert and James "apologized" to each other and we again reinforced that messing with the cats leads to scratches, of course after kissing the boo boo a few more times.  I suppose James is lucky that our far more aggressive cat, Sassy, came to us with no claws.
Other than boo boos, we've been working on potty training a bit.  We are still keeping it very low key, but are going to step up our efforts a bit, so see if we can get James to ask to go to the potty.  Who knows if we get anywhere with this anytime soon, but we've set a very loose deadline of having James fully potty trained by 3.  I know that might seem silly, but we figured we would put the date somewhere attainable for now.  The last thing we want to do is push too hard and have James resist completely.  So we're going to add a few potty sitting sessions into James' routine.  Right now, he sits on the potty before we put his jammies on for the night.  We're going to add 2 morning potty times (first thing and then before we leave for daycare) and an after nap potty time (on the weekends) and go from there.  We've already discussed with Rhonda and for the time being James will continue as usual at daycare, unless he happens to ask for the potty.  I don't foresee this happening for awhile, but I think we are going in the right direction.  It would be miraculous if James was potty trained before his younger sibling comes along, but I know the next six months will be full of change and I don't want to stress him out unnecessarily!


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