Thursday, December 6, 2012

Me Too!

We love to read to James.  He gets 3 or 4 stories every night before bed, to help settle him down and to let him know its time for SLEEP.  Some people suggest a bath during the bedtime routine, but James' skin gets so dry in the winter that a bath every night is a terrible idea.  Because I've always loved to read, I love story time, almost as much as I love bed time!
One of our favorite authors in Mercer Mayer, who writes the Little Critter books.  I loved Little Critter as a kid and I definitely do now.  We try to read stories that might tie into our lives a bit, lately those have been books about sharing, siblings, and GOING TO BED.  Me Too is about Little Critter and his little sister, who wants to do everything that he wants to do.  Little Critter has to be patient, share, and help his little sister and in the end she shares with him too.  Its a good story for someone who is getting a sibling soon.  We also have The New Baby and Just Me and My Little Brother.
The funny thing is that since we started reading this book, James wants to do everything "too".  No matter what Adam or I are doing, James will tell us that he wants to do it too.  The really funny part of this is the way James says "too" as though he's really amazed that he just so happens to be doing the same thing mom or dad.  But sometimes it doesn't work out for him.  On Sunday, Adam went to the football game and James was none to pleased about it.  He wanted to hang out with dad (Can you blame him? Mom is large and moody and probably laid around the house most of the day).  He repeatedly asked "Where is daddy?" and I told him "Daddy is at the football game, he'll be home later."  To which James responded "Me go to football game too!"
If you're eating dinner, James will let you know that he's eating dinner too.  If you're walking upstairs, James is going too.  And if mom is complaining about her back hurting, James' back is hurting too.  He's a very sympathetic little guy.


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