Friday, November 16, 2012

32 weeks

Here we are at 32 weeks!  The baby is the size of a squash.  A squash that is sitting squarely on my rib cage, making it difficult to breath, sleep, and maintain a non-grumpy attitude on life.
Yes, I have a case of the grumps this morning.  And it appeared that I wasn't the only one, as James started crying about going to daycare 30 minutes before we had to leave.  I comforted him and we talked about all the fun things he was going to do, then I asked if he could be my brave boy. He said yes through a sniffle.  Then, I kid you not, he started bawling all over again.  Toddlers cannot be reasoned with.  So I just hugged him and tried to have him help me get ready to leave.  He uttered some classic phrases like "No making lunch, mom" and "No working, mommy".  Luckily by the time I was down the stairs after drop off, he wasn't crying, but man can he lay it on thick.
At least it is Friday, we have 2 whole days at home to prep ourselves for next week!  I just have to get through the day without stabbing one of my coworkers, which has proven to be a challenge lately.  I know I shouldn't complain, but sometimes its inevitable!
There is not much going on, pregnancy wise.  The baby kicks up a storm and has not dropped one bit!  I have my first non stress test next Tuesday, as well as a growth ultrasound.  Adam took off work to come with me, so that is nice!  I will update after the appointment!


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