Three years ago, I became a mom. It was a surprise, not the becoming a mom part, but the timing of it all. It was a whirlwind the first few days and I spent most of it in a foggy haze of Magnesium sulfate. Occasionally, I feel so frustrated at my lack of involvement during the first few days, but I know that I had to take care of myself before I could take care of James. He was lucky to have a dad like Adam, who stepped in and took such good care of us both those first days. You never really know how you're going to be as a parent or how your spouse is going to be until you're in the middle of it. Adam surpassed any expectation I might have had during those first days and has continued to do so throughout the last three years. I've been so lucky to have him as my partner and really can't imagine a better dad for our boys.
Here are some pictures of James through the years. I wanted to use his official birthday portraits, but then I realized that when we took him for his two year pictures, he lost his mind and wouldn't stop crying. Love toddlers!
Ten days old |
One year old |
Two years old |
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